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throat infection中文是什么意思

用"throat infection"造句"throat infection"怎么读"throat infection" in a sentence"throat infection"的同义词


  • 疫喉


  • Helps with abnormal breathing , moisturize the lungs and respiratory system , assists healing in bronchitis , asthma , cough , cold , throat infection and mouth ulcer
  • Next , the researchers marinated caity - causing streptococcal bacteria in the wines . both types of wine countered those bacteria and other streptococcal bacteria that cause some cases of throat infection
  • Mon september 12th training is in the evening at stamford bridge . gudjohnsen is missing with a throat infection . mourinho ' s pre - match press conference is low - key . anderlecht train after chelsea
  • Eucalyptus oil is one of the most valuable oils for treating respiratory system . it is traditionally prescribed for all respiratory system problems such as pneumonia , bronchitis , asthma , sinus problems , throat infection , cold , flu , coughs
  • Used in the treatment of acute throat infection , tonsillitis caused by pyesis streptococcus ; acute brochitis , chronic brochitis acute paroxysm caused by sensitive bacteria ; pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumonia , flu bacilli and pneumonia mycoplasma
  • Used in the treatment of throat infection , tonsillitis caused by pyesis streptococcus ; acuteotitis , sinusitis , acute brochitis , chronic brochitis acute payoxysm and pneumonia caused by sensitive bacteria ; skin soft tissue infection ; and mycoplasma pneumonia , urethritis , cervictitis caused by chlamydia trachomatis etc
用"throat infection"造句  



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